
Surrender to God’s Ability and He Will Use You

I recently finished a mission trip to Australia. I flew 23 hours to the city of Perth, which is “the ends of the earth” from my home. I preached in 19 meetings in 11 days and saw so many spiritual breakthroughs. Some people assume preaching and traveling must be easy for me because I do so much of it. But that’s not true.

When God called me to preach in 1998, I resisted. I was timid about public speaking, and I was fearful of long flights. I actually hated the sound of my own voice! I wrestled with God for a long time until I finally gave in by praying Isaiah 6:8: “Here I am, send me.” From that moment doors opened and I went where God sent me. Slowly my confidence grew. Today, I’ve preached in 37 countries, but I’m still amazed every time the Lord uses me. God takes the weak things of this world and makes them strong. Don’t let fear paralyze you. Don’t downplay your potential. Step into God’s supernatural ability. Break free from your limitations and surrender fully so His power can flow.