
Don’t Be Discouraged By Your Weaknesses

Do you struggle with unclean thoughts, wrong desires or bad habits? Of course you do! We are all human, and we often feel the pull of our sinful nature dragging us down. Jesus knows this about us. He told His disciples: “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matt. 26:41). The first step to overcoming temptation is to admit your weakness. Don’t beat yourself up or condemn yourself because you struggle with sin. If you did not struggle, you would be dead!

When I told a good friend this week that I was battling temptation, he said: “The fact that you are battling shows that you are a warrior.” I love that! God does not condemn us because we have a sinful nature. He calls us to fight! He says: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). Fighting is not an option. Spiritual warfare is real. But you don’t have to fight alone. Invite close friends into your struggle and enlist their encouragement and prayers. And always soak yourself in God’s love and remember that He accepts you in spite of your flaws.


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You Need Resistance Training

I’m learning a lot about spiritual growth these days as I do my new fitness routine. I’m sure you know RESISTANCE is the only way to build muscle. Whether you do push-ups or weights, you must RESIST to stimulate muscle growth. The same is true spiritually. You must resist the pressure of temptation if you want to build spiritual muscle. James 4:7 says: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Resisting makes you strong in the Spirit. But like a fitness program, muscle gain takes time.

If you are tempted in any area (say lust, for example), you have two choices. If you RESIST, you will grow stronger and develop character and purity. If you give in to temptation, you will stay flabby and weak. Which do you want? My prayer is that you will consistently resist the devil until you are a ripped, shredded warrior!


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Learn to Resist Temptation

Lots of guys ask me what’s the secret to overcoming porn or other forms of sexual temptation. Of course you can enlist an accountability partner, get a filter on your computer or take a course in purity. But those things won’t help until you make a powerful choice. You must DECIDE to RESIST.

Titus 2:12 says God’s grace has come, “instructing us to DENY ungodliness and worldly desires.” “Deny” means to “reject, refuse or veto.” It is a powerful NO. And it takes a real backbone to say no. If you are constantly giving in to temptation, your backbone is weak and your spiritual muscles are flabby. You must begin intense resistance training. Don’t let porn or other temptations turn you into a mushy, jellyfish Christian. Grow a spine. Put your foot down. Veto the devil and refuse the cravings of your flesh.

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You Will Never Grow Without Discipline!

I know some guys who are very undisciplined in their habits. They can’t go to bed at a sensible hour, they sleep too late in the morning, they can’t manage their time and they can’t control their appetite or their lusts. As a result they rarely have time for daily Bible study and prayer. They are spiritual slackers!

But you can’t grow spiritually without practicing spiritual disciplines. Just as you cannot grow muscle without exercise and a proper diet, you need discipline to become a strong Christian. Part of your job as a mentor is to coach them to work hard and become disciplined so they will study the Bible regularly, develop a strong prayer life and learn to make wise use of their time. Don’t be afraid to set the bar high and motivate them to excel!

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What’s The Secret To Overcoming Porn?

Lots of guys ask me what’s the secret to overcoming porn or other forms of sexual temptation. Of course you can enlist an accountability partner, get a filter on your computer or take a course in purity. But those things won’t help until you make a powerful choice. You must DECIDE to RESIST.

Titus 2:12 says God’s grace has come, “instructing us to DENY ungodliness and worldly desires.” “Deny” means to “reject, refuse or veto.” It is a powerful NO. And it takes a real backbone to say no. If you are constantly giving in to temptation, your backbone is weak and your spiritual muscles are flabby. You must begin intense resistance training. Don’t let porn or other temptations turn you into a mushy, jellyfish Christian. Grow a spine. Put your foot down. Veto the devil and refuse the cravings of your flesh.

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Porn Is a Polluted River

The Yamuna River in India is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. It’s full of trash, dead animals, toxic waste and raw sewage. It has a horrible smell, yet many people bathe in it every year to “purify” themselves. Would you swim in that slimy water? No! Yet pornography is like a river of filth. Every time you look at porn you are swimming in a slimy swamp full of used condoms, bacteria, viruses, illegal drugs and even the blood of abortions. It’s gross!

Remember this when you are tempted to look at pornography. Guard your sexual purity and learn to hate the sins of the flesh. Proverbs 8:13 says: “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil.” And Jude 23 warns us to hate “even the garment polluted by the flesh.” Romans 12: 9 says we should “abhor what is evil.” How can you resist the temptation to look at porn? Ask God to give you a hatred for the lust that has controlled you.

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